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Start Here: The Business Strategy Game Guide Site Map

Business Strategy Game Guide Site Map

Welcome to the Business Strategy Game Guide Blog!  There are two parts to this site. The first is the paid guide. It covers in detail all of the strategies, concepts, software features and tricks necessary to win the McGraw-Hill Business Strategy Game. I guarantee or your money back (with a 100% success rate so far) you’ll win the game with the purchase of the guide. The second part is the free site resources. The free and paid resources were meant to complement each other. If you haven’t purchased the Business Strategy Game Guide, the free resources were meant to boost your score and give you confidence in the paid guide. This blog will teach you how to win the Business Strategy Game quizzes, introduce you to the game, teach you how to use the software, analyze the reports and critique popular strategies presented on the internet. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line via the contact us page or on your preferred social media platform.

I am still working on the content below, my blog is still a work in progress.


Start Here:

Game Introduction

  • Game Introduction Part 1 — Where your athletic shoe company starts out
  • Game Introduction Part 2 — How the game is scored
  • Year 11 & 12 — What to do?
  • 3 Year Strategic Plans

Free Tips Guide

Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Post-Simulation Comprehensive Exam

YouTube Decision Entry Screen Walk Through

  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Sales Forecast
  • Plant Capacity
  • Branded Production
  • Branded Distribution
  • Internet Marketing
  • Celebrity Bids
  • Private Label Operations
  • Finance & Cash Flow

 Understanding the Reports Series

  • Footwear Industry Report
  • Competitive Intelligence Report
  • Company Operating Reports

Case Studies


Best Strategy Invitational

As always, if you have any questions on the Business Strategy Game Guide, please feel free to contact me.

by Dave Mar

David Mar is the one-student army behind Win the BSG Online. He's 25 years old, working on his MBA and representing California. He has been playing strategy games competitively for 8 years and placed numerous times in the Global Top 100 of the Business Strategy Game or BSG-Online.

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