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Win The BSG Online

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Business Strategy Game Tutoring

I always recommend purchasing the Business Strategy Game Guide before requesting personalized Business Strategy Game tutoring. The guide lays the groundwork on how the bsg online works. You’ll get more bang for your buck if I don’t have to go over basic concepts in depth. I keep the guide is short and to the point. It was designed so teams who are behind don’t have to spend hours catching back up.

The guide will get you out of 95% of all “tricky” situations and that students think they need customized support for. Here are the few situations where I do recommend you start out with BSG-Online tutoring:

  1. There are only 1 or 2 years left in the game.
  2. Your athletic footwear team is in last place and is more than 40 points behind the next lowest scoring team.
  3. Your teacher is about to declare your team bankrupt.
  4. Your team has had negative EPS exceeding $1.00 for 3 or more years in a row.

The four situations above can be unusually tricky and require a lot of work to dig yourself out of the whole.

I’ve tutored teams out of all of the situations above dozens of times. The Business Strategy Game is always recoverable. The makers of the game designed it so teams could come back… no matter what place they are in.

It is important to note, I provide free customized support and questions with purchase of the guide. I only request people pay my tutoring rate if the questions start to take up more than an hour of my time a week or I feel like the team isn’t making an honest effort to help me.

If you’re not sure if your team needs Business Strategy Game Tutoring or not, just send me an e-mail and I’ll evaluate your situation for free.

You can learn more about our guide and how it can help you by clicking here.

How to Send BSG-Online Reports for a Case Study

This short tutorial will show you how to export your BSG-Online reports to send over for personalized tutoring. The reports below will give the necessary information to make informed decisions applicable to your unique Business Strategy Game Situation. Many first time users believe there is a “correct” or “perfect set of numbers.” In reality, the BSG-Online is based on relationships between you and other teams. What allows you to win is a deep understanding of the hidden strategies and software tips that take hours to figure out.

 All of the files need to be “printed” as a PDF or a Microsoft XPS viewer. It is normally very easy to do. Just select PDF as the printer when in the print page dialogue box. I also suggest saving all files to the desktop for easy retrieval.

BSG-Online Report Export Instructions:

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